Why Digital Signage Network?

It may be better started with the stunning statistics that customers are 500% to 1000% more likely to notice a digital signage compared to a static sign. They are 200% to 500% more likely to retain the information that has direct influence in increasing sales by 30%. Chances are, if you have visited a retail store, restaurant, theme park, hotel, shopping mall, convention center, airport, or other public or private locations within the last 12 months, you experienced the presence of narrowcasting.

Narrowcasting is a prevalent, new advertising system. It includes LED, OLED, LCD, CRT, plasma or digital-projection devices. Generally, electronic media content is fed from a content distribution control room through either telephone-type lines or a wireless narrowcasting system to display changeable (still, animated, or video) messages from a prerecorded or real-time source. Though the content is distributed from a central source in a particular location, each site can play localized information such as promotional messages, cultural clippings, weather, traffic announcements, regional news, etc.

Dynamic Digital Signage Networks has been revolutionizing in this space of advertising media with its feature of targeting advertising messages with real-time reporting function so that to allow users interact with the content displayed and make changes until they satisfy with the information that they required. Recent developments in display technologies has made it possible to make these advertising more head-turning with 3D effects and high definition video systems.

The most popular locations suitable for such advertising video networks are supermarkets & hypermarkets, department stores & franchise retail formats, gas stations, hotels, resorts & lodging, banks & service organizations, restaurants, fastfood & cafes, hospitals & healthcare industry, university & educational institutions, Govt. departments and ministry, residential & corporate compounds, big corporate office buildings, health club chains, etc…

InstoreMasters has associated with industry leading professionals of Digital Signage Networks to cater to our client's needs of indoor advertising networks for the public locations of various cities of the Middle East region. We facilitate managing unlimited digital screens as a private network for specific needs of large retailers and Govt. departments, or execute screens on basis of various rental agreements.

Most reputed for its online marketplace for BTL ADVERTISING solutions and other advertising services and products, www.InstoreMasters.com is a unique supplier in the Middle East, North Africa and South East Asian. Our region covers Dubai, UAE l Riyadh, Saudi Arabia l Manama, Bahrain l Doha, Qatar l Kuwait l Jeddah, KSA l Cairo, Egypt l Beirut, Lebanon l Amman, Jordan l Damascus, Syria l Lagos, Nigeria l Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Chennai, India l Istanbul, Turkey l Tehran, Iran l Baghdad, Iraq l Khartoum, Sudan l Moscow, Russia l Colombo, Srilanka l Dhaka, Bangladesh l Karachi, Pakistan. We have partnered with industry professionals of Narrow Casting softwares and hardwares while we produce the enclosures and other components required for Advertising Video Networks in-house.